Monday 1 August 2011

Frozen Synapse

Today's game is somewhat of a blast from the past. Or the future. Depends which way you look at it.

The game itself is just over two months old - released on May 26th by Mode 7 Games. I was first drawn towards it by it's extremely unique visual style - a mix between the retro top-down games of the past with a uniquely cyberpunk-esque futuristic art style.

It was when I started playing however, that it struct me just how awesome the game is. It is basically a simultaneous, turn-based strategy game, but like no other I have played before. Simply put, you can simulate how your opponent's move before choosing your own. Although this sounds like a fairly minor innovation, it's effect on the gameplay is huge. It creates an element of second-guessing, which is not only intelligent but fun as hell.

It is for this reason that the multiplayer in particular, is where much of Frozen Synapse's depth lies. Ultimately, this is best playing an opponent, one versus one, over the internet and as such the competitive scene has flourished. Maps are created both randomly or via a seed and the game does incorporate a strong modding scene.

Although there is only so much one can write about a game like Frozen Synapse. You really have to play it to get a feel of it's brilliance. The beautiful graphic style, the unique gameplay mechanic and even the extremely awesome electronic music combine into one massive piece of awesome. But that's just my opinion. What do you think? Please leave a comment below.

Frozen Synapse is available for $25 or £19 at and you get a free copy for a friend!

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